



Author:   Dr. Roger Akanbisik (PhD Social Entrepreneurship).



Ghana’s agricultural sector is critical to the country’s economy, employing over 40% of the workforce. However, the sector faces significant challenges, including ageing farmers, limited youth involvement, and inadequate resources. Empowering youth in agriculture can revitalize the sector and drive community development. 

This article explores the importance of youth empowerment in agriculture and its impact on community development.


Youth empowerment is the process of enabling young people to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and develop skills to achieve their goals.

 Empowering youth in agriculture involves providing them with the necessary resources, training and support to become successful farmers and entrepreneurs.

 However the government has initiated several programs to empower the youth including the National Youth Policy, National Youth Authority, Youth Employment Agency, Ghana Youth Futures Fund, Youth in Agriculture program, Apprenticeship program, Entrepreneurship training  programs, Education and Skills Development, Health and Well- being and leadership development. 

This aims to address youth unemployment, promote entrepreneurship and enhance overall well-being. More needs to be done to empower the youth in agriculture in Ghana.


Agriculture was a central part of Ghanaian culture, with youth playing a significant role in farming and food production. The British colonial administration introduced modern agricultural practices, but youth involvement declined due to urbanization and emphasis on formal education. 

The government encouraged youth participation in agriculture through initiatives like Young Farmers’ Clubs.

 In the year 1980s to 2000s there were Structural Adjustment Programs that let to government reduction support for agriculture resulting in decreased youth participation. Efforts to revitalize youth involvement in agriculture have gained momentum with initiates like the Youth in Agriculture Program and Ghana Youth Futures Fund. In 2017, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture launched the ‘’ Planting For Food and Jobs’’ program, aiming to attract youth to Agriculture. Once again the government announced plans to establish a youth Directorate to coordinate youth empowerment initiative in Agriculture.

 According to the Ghana Statistical Service (2020), about 22% of Ghana’s population around 6.5 million are youth (15-34 years) and 40% of them live in rural area where agriculture is the main occupation. 

From this statistics, the youth faces a lot of challenges such as access to land due galamsey activities in most part of the country, finance, market, technology, unsustained government support and private sector investment and the perception of society for being a farmer.


Community development is the building and strengthening of the people through collective action, participation and implementation of policies that will bring a long lasting progress in the community.

It involves identifying community needs, mobilizing resources and implementing projects to improve the quality of life for community. At the community level, the population is mostly made up of the youth who are the main working force of the community. 

Mostly agriculture is one of the major occupation in the rural communities. Youth in various communities need to be empowered in agriculture to help bring about health, social, economic and agriculture development.


Youth empowerment in agriculture is crucial for community development, offering numerous benefits. Young farmers increase food production by ensuring food availability all the time and reducing reliance of import.  

Agriculture offers opportunities for youth employment, entrepreneurship, and innovation, particularly in areas like agro-processing, marketing, and technology. Empowering youth in agriculture develops leadership skills, capacity and confidence, benefiting communities.

 Furthermore, it aids the youth in market access and linkages, intergenerational knowledge transfer, poverty reduction, rural development and community engage, sustainable agriculture, economic growth and innovation.

However in empowering youth in agriculture communities can lead to sustainable agricultural practices, improve food security and nutrition, enhance economic opportunities and income, foster community engagement and social cohesion, promote rural development and reduce urban migration and build leadership and capacity among young people.

In empowering youth in agriculture is essential for community development, as it addresses multiple aspects of community well-being and sustainability.


There are a lot of problems faced in empowering the youth in agriculture, hindering community development in Ghana. These problems includes;

*Limited access to land and resources 

*Inadequate training and capacity building 

*Insufficient funding and access to credit facilities 

*Lack of modern technology and equipment 

*Poor market access and linkages 

*Limited extension services and mentorship

*High post-harvest losses and poor storage facilities

*Climate change and degradation especially ‘galamsey’ and sand wining

*Inadequate policy support and implementation

*Limited private sector investment and partnerships

*Negative thinking and perception of agriculture among the youth

*Youth unemployment and migration to urban areas

These problems really prevents the youth from going into active agriculture in various communities in Ghana.

Addressing these challenges is very necessary to empower the youth in agriculture and promoting community development in Ghana. 


In a way of empowering youth in agriculture, here are some modern ways of youth empowerment in agriculture in community development in Ghana which have been suggested by the author of this article.

First of all, provide training on digital tools, apps, and platform for farming, marketing and networking which is in terms of digital agriculture. This way even makes agriculture attractive and acceptable to the youth.

Secondly, hubs must be established to nurture and support young agricultural entrepreneurs.

Thirdly, incorporating Agriculture into school curriculum especially in the Senior High School. Agriculture must be integrated into school curriculum to raise awareness and interest in the subject. This will encourage most youth to go into agriculture especially if they have an intensive practical during school time. 

Fourthly, organize competition awards and recognition programs to motivate young farmers

Farmer’s day must carter for the youth by recognizing the best youth farmer in each community as well as the national level.

In addition, offer the youth-friendly financial services, loans and grants for agricultural activities in the various. Besides private banks must be set up to carter for the youth and women to access loans easily and quickly. In another way, government must support youth just after their university education to boost their interest in the field of agriculture.

Lastly, engage with rural communities in the aspects of agriculture whether crops or animals. This makes youth in the community feel part of the whole activity to make you gain interest in it. 

These suggested modern approaches can empower youth in agriculture, driving innovation, productivity and sustainability in Ghana’s agricultural sector.


Youth empowerment in agriculture is a panacea for community development in Ghana. By supporting young farmers, we can revitalize the agricultural sector, drive economic growth, and ensure food security. Empowering youth in agriculture requires a multi-faceted approach, involving training, financing and policy support. It is better to invest in the future of Ghana’s agriculture by empowering its youth. 

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