

NRSA Launches 2023 road safety Christmas Campaign.


Report by Nsor Paul mensah.

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) has Launched 2023 Christmas Campaign in Accra under the theme' STOP SPEEDING-STAY ALIVE.

The Director General of National Road Safety authority, ING. David Osafo Adonteng revealed that a total of 1,839 people have been killed and 12,678 persons injured from January to October this year, as a result of road crashes.

At the launch, ING David Osafo Adonteng disclosed that the total number of deaths and injuries were put together from the 11,694 reported cases.

He stated that, from December 24 to December 26, 2022, 142 crashes were recorded with 215 injuries and 25 deaths.

 as we approach the festive period, the acting director said, the road space is crowded during this period with vehicles and people, most of whom con­duct themselves recklessly, placing the lives of other road users at risk.

He added, “With this period there is a high tendency of road users, especially drivers and riders, ignoring all road traffic rules and culminating into acts of moving people in haste to get to their destinations quickly without due care.”

Therefore the “Ghana Police Service, key stakeholders would not rest and will make sure the 2023 festive season will be accident-free”.

Although he alluded to the fact that there can be no accident-free Christmas, the NRSA with help from the media wants to send a word of caution to the general public especially drivers and riders to reduce the speed limit on the road and avoid reckless driving.

“The Authority had stepped up education at lorry terminals, engaging the leadership of transport operators and drivers, churches and other organizations to create awareness on road safety to help address road crashes”, he said.

He further urged passengers to resort to patronizing drivers at the various bus terminals or stations and not floating drivers.

He explained that, Station drivers ensure their vehicles are registered and properly documented with the GPRTU hence in times of emergencies proper actions can be taken.

He therefore urge the general public especially drivers and other road users to be extra careful during the festive periods as there would be lots of movement,

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