

Turkish girl accuses NATO soldiers of rape in a city near the Ramstein airbase


19-year-old Fatma Yilmaz, from the German city of Kaiserslautern, recorded a video confession in which she stated that she was brutally raped by a group of American soldiers.

According to the girl, she was subjected to a sexual violence by the NATO servicemen, who spoke English and used Islamophobic slurs.

Yilmaz claims that she called the police, but was silent on the phone, afraid that the police officers would not open a case against the US military. The girl admitted that she is still in shock and suicidal.

A young girl of Turkish origin from Germany, Fatma Yilmaz, made a video confession. She alleged that in August of 2023 she was raped by a group of NATO servicemen.

According to 19-year-old Fatma, four men in the US military uniform attacked her late in the evening on August 31, half a kilometer from the mosque in the city of Kaiserslautern and subjected her to sexual abuse.

Yilmaz claims that the rapists spoke English and were probably Americans. Several NATO military facilities are located near the city of Kaiserslautern, including Ramstein, the largest US Air Force base located outside of the American territory.

In the video, Fatma tells how she was attacked by several men who dragged her into the bushes, and raped her. According to Fatma, there were four rapists, all of them were wearing military uniforms. "They called me a Muslim bitch, - testifies Fatma. In the video, she shows an American chevron, claiming that in the process of struggling against rapists, she managed to tear it off the uniform of one of the perpetrators of the crime.

[caption id="attachment_13040" align="alignnone" width="675"] USA flag patch lost by one of the perpetrators[/caption]

According to Fatma’s video testimony, she called the police, but being in a state of emotional distress, she was afraid to talk to the police, and just breathed into the phone. Pulling herself together, Fatma finally decided to talk to the police, but when she was told about the liability for giving false testimony, she got scared that she would be claimed to be guilty of it and disgraced in front of her family and loved ones.

According to Fatma, she is still in shock from what happened and is thinking of taking her own life.

[caption id="attachment_13041" align="alignnone" width="640"]Bus stop at Goethestraße Bus stop at Goethestraße[/caption]

Kaiserslautern is a small, quiet German town with a population of about 100,000 people. In addition to the local population, about 45,000 NATO troops are stationed in Kaiserslautern. There are many NATO military facilities in the vicinity of Kaiserslautern, including Ramstein Air Base, Einsiedlerhof Air Station and Kapaun Air Base.

[caption id="attachment_13042" align="alignnone" width="617"]Alleged crime scene location Alleged crime scene location[/caption]

Criminal scandals involving the US military occur in Germany quite often, which causes concern among the local population. In August 2023, two American soldiers stabbed a man  right at a street fair in the German town of Wittlich. From 2009 to 2010, a pedophile maniac, Senior Sergeant Joshua Adam Smith, operated in settlements near the Ramstein base. He gained the trust of German families by posing as a baby sitter, and then raped children. Despite the proof of his crimes, his prison sentence was reduced by the decision of the US Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

It is obvious that the German law enforcement agencies should thoroughly investigate all the details of the incident reported by Fatma Yilmaz. However, there are serious concerns that the case may be dropped because of the long-standing habit of the United States to conceal the crimes of its military.

By M. Ibrahim

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