

ORC Takes Sensitization Drive To Business Owners In Accra Metropolis; Urged Them To File Their Tax Returns.


Report By Bernard K Dadzie.

The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) has begun a sensitization drive to encourage institutions and business owners to engage their services.

The ORC, carved out of the Registrar General’s Department, will handle the registration of businesses such as private-public companies limited and unlimited by shares, private-public companies limited by guarantee, including churches, schools, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, associations, unions, external companies and professional bodies.

Officials of the state agency, on Thursday 3rd August, marched through the principal streets of Accra include, Mokola market, Okaishie Market, Tudu, Kaneshie, Circle, Agbogbloshie to educate such institutions on its mandate.

State attorney at the Head Office of the registrar of companies in Accra,  Lawyer Catherine Gbikpi Bensissa spoke to media on the sidelines of the event. She stated that many companies fail to renew their certificates or file their annual returns due to a lack of qualified officers.

Lawyer Catherine Gbikpi Bensissan urged business owners to register their Companies with Office of the Register of Companies to help secure loan from Bank to improve their business.

According to her, businesses register under the office of the Registrar of Companies are entitled to some benefits such as securing bank loans by virtue of registration. She advised already registered businesses to do well and file their annual tax returns in order to stay viable.

She said, “There are responsibilities for businesses when they register. Sole proprietors are supposed to renew every year and companies are to file their annual returns every year, just so we know that your business or company is in good health.

Mrs. Matilda Osei, Head of Client Service at the Office of the Registrar of Companies explained that the motive behind the interactions is to sensitize Ghanaians that the ORC in no longer under the Office of the Registrar General's Department.

She urged Ghanaians to be good citizens especially business owners to register their entities with the Office of the Registrar of Companies.

Mrs Osei encouraged interested persons who want to register their businesses with ORC to come with multiple names so that during the registration process it will not already registered business for different company.

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