


By Francis Cofie 

The Headmistress of Madina Seventh-Day Adventist Basic School, Madam Beatrice Opoku has urged parents to attach greater significance to the career choices of their children at their early ages.

According to her, in many instances the career prospects opted to be pursued by the child materializes if only those career prospects were closely guarded while providing the child the needed support.

In an interview, during the joint celebration of career day and African union day, she admonished parents to always monitor their children to appreciate their natural inclinations to make informed decisions. 

She also indicated that parents must strive to provide the relevant institutional, material and moral support to children to enable them realize their future dreams.

The headmistress mentioned that during the celebration, specific career choices were grouped with a career representative sharing insights on the various careers.

Career Day celebration, she said, was very relevant as it intensifies and guides the focus of the child into possible career realization.

Madam Opoku mentioned that the two days were merged in order not to lose more contact hours of studies.

On his part, the Municipal Education Director Mr. Kean Adjei Appiah encouraged the pupils to be disciplined and focused in their career choices.

He advised the children to use their time profitability adding that nobody has ever achieved success in any endeavor without discipline and time -consciousness.

Mr. Appiah mentioned that putting on the requisite uniform of their career choices gives them a mental effect which was a good foundation to achieve those dreams gradually. 

He advised basic schools to explore more practical ways of making 'Career Day' meaningful and beneficial.

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