

Strategy For Mainstreaming Gender Issues At MMDAS Soon – NALAG Prez. Reveals

A gender strategy for the mainstreaming of gender issues in various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the country is expected to be developed soon.

President of the National Association of Local Authority of Ghana (NALAG), Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh has disclosed.
According to him, this will not be done through the federation for Canadian Municipalities (FCD) and other relevant stakeholders in addition to the re-introduction of women conference to create the platforms for women assembly members to learn, network and share the requisite skills towards the discharge of their duties.

Mr. Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh who is also the Director-General of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) made these known at a workshop for women Assembly members within Greater Accra region as part of the national capacity-building program initiative by his administration.

The nationwide capacity-building programme is aimed at the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goal 5 which aims at gender parity.

Mr. Agyemang Prempeh called on all stakeholders and development partners in local government to support NALAG in its campaign to increase women’s participation in the various MMDAs through the upcoming 2023 local government elections.
The NALAG president also expressed concern about inhibiting factors such as patriarchy of male dominance, customs, religions, inadequate prioritization of gender issues in the governance architecture, the reduction of advocacy of gender-based women groups among others.

“These have contributed to the representation of women in the local government space despite the fact that they, women, constitute the largest segment of the country’s population.”

He called for a deliberate effort aimed at building the capacity for Ghana to close its democratic deficit gap of underrepresentation of women in local governance.

Mr. Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh who was a former assemblyman, presiding member and MCE also reiterated the urgent need for the passage of the Affirmative Action bill into law to empower women and other marginalized groups in society.

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