

GIMPA SRC Cries Over Lack Of Funds: Cancels Programs

By Nsor Paul mensah.


The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) has indicated that they are unable to carry on with their programs for this academic year due to lack of fund.

In a statement released on Monday, June 2, the council expressed the ordeal they have gone through, since assumption of on November, 2021.

The statement explained that the current executives met nothing in the coffers of the SRC, a problem, they say can be traced back from the 2018/2019 academic year.

According to the Release, the Executives attributes this financial challenges to the failure of the management of the Institution to credit the account of the body, after collected monies on behalf of the students.

“Without fear or favor, we the leadership of the 2021/2022 GIMPA SRC, are stating without any equivocation, that GIMPA Management have not being transparent with funds collected on behalf of the students, failed to properly account for, and is unable to release same to the leadership of various campuses for Operationalization of the union.”, the statement reads.

Consequently, they claimed that the annual week long celebration of the SRC week has been cancelled indefinitely due to lack of funds to carry out the activities.

 In spite of the challenges, they seek the support of the students in the battle with the management for redress. They asked their colleagues to throw their weight behind them, as they remain resolute.

“We entreat you our cherished students, to remain resolute and stand with us in

unison and in one accord, as we pursue this issue with all the seriousness that it deserves. We are critically mindful of the task ahead, but we believe also, this must be done not for today but for the future.”

You can read the full details as released by the leadership of the SRC.

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