

St. Francis Of Assisi Catholic Church Inaugurates Men Confraternity To Support Church Activities

Report By Bernard K DADZIE.

Saint Francis Of Assisi Catholic church Awoshie-Anyaa on Sunday May 22, 2022  Inaugurated it's Men Confraternity to support needy and also encouraged members to get actively involved in religion affairs through Bible doctrinal studies.

The inauguration brought together delegates of members of the Confraternity from the Parishes in the Archdiocese of Accra, the Parish priest of the Saint Francis Of Assisi Catholic church Awoshie-Anyaa Rev. Fr. Pius Kofi Asare, Friar Isaac, Fraternity Chaplain, Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Ocran Assistant Parish priest, Friar Eric and Saint Francis Of Assisi Senior Choir to grace the occasion.

In an inaugural message of the 6th Sunday of  Easter, the Parish priest Rev. Fr. Pius Kofi Asare exhorted the faithful to follow the example of Jesus by cherishing and preserving life from the very moment of conception up to its natural end, instead of destroying it.

He further encouraged the faithful to join the various devotional groups in the Church so as to build their faith. With the inauguration of the Men Confraternity,  he called on the young men to join the group in their numbers.

In his Inaugural speech, Mr. Robert Kwame Owusu Amaniampong, the newly elected president of Men Confraternity expressed his profund gratitude to the members for the sacrifices they made to make the occasion possibility. 

He therefore assured the members that his administration will do everything possible to be the administration of men by the men confraternity and by the church for the needy at large. 

"This ceremony marks a new beginning, and I call today for a new spirit in our church. Let our new spirit be one of unity and trust. Let our new spirit be one of determination to heal the division of the past and grasp the possibilities of the future. Let each of us try to replace suspicious with sacrifice, replace indifference with concern, until as brothers have made the men's' confraternity healthy and joyous one."

The newly elected president of the Fraternity Mr. Robert Kwame Owusu Amaniampong entreated the members to work together as one family to help the church and the needy in the church and entire Archdiocese as well.

"Let us strive together and create a new spirit of unity and trust. I consider it a great honour and privilege to stand before you today, on the

maiden inauguration of men confraternity of St. Francis of Assisi catholic church at Anyaa- Awoshie, to sworn in as the first to be inaugurated as president of mens' confraternity in this parish." 

"As I undertake my new responsibilities, I do not promise that you will always

agree with me. I cannot promise that I will always be right. I do promise that I will never be satisfied with anything less than what believe to be the best for our confraternity and the church," he assured.

He acknowledged the significant contribution of senior members of the confraternity notably Bro. Addae Owusu, immediate past president and especially those who demonstrated their believe in the leadership.

The president also acknowledged the role of founding members, especially Bro. John Appah (PPC chairman), lawyer Derry (immediate past PPC chairman) lawyer Odikro Nyame (harvest committee chairman) who guided him to walk through the initial administrative challenges. He assured them that his respect form them remains intact.

"We must unite as one family to achieve our common goal of revitalizing the confraternity and ensuring that our voice is head as one strong family. The mandate I have from catholic men confraternity is to work for all members of the confraternity irrespective of members ethnic background. There is so much work to be done to make the confraternity work for every member without discrimination."

According to him, under his administration, they have met all outstanding welfare benefits for members accrued from the previous year and a charity work at the resident for the retired priests at Machathy Hill.

In conclusion,  Mr. Robert Kwame Owusu Amaniampong, used the occasion to encouraged individual brothers in the the Saint Francis Of Assisi Catholic church Awoshie-Anyaa parish to join the credit union to anchor their financial resources.

The main objectives for the Fraternity is to  unite the lay men of the Catholic Church and pool their efforts in support of the work of the church. 

To support the needy and donate to charity And also strengthen the Christian life and deepen the Catholic faith of its members by: Promoting and encouraging members to enter into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Encouraging members to get actively involved in Religion affairs through Bible and doctrinal studies.

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