Report By Bernard K DADZIE
Some unbalanced individuals hiding behind the chieftaincy institution within the Ngleshie Alata Traditional Council have been advised to seek good council in the scheme of things with respect to the chieftaincy institution and how it works or forever hold their piece.
These individuals who have no locus in the Ngleshie Alata Traditional Council were reported to have held a press conference during which they spew garbage and attacked persons including the Chief of Lafaa- Barima Nmarko, Nii Ayi Okufoubour I, who also doubles as the Weija Asafoatse as well as the Acting president of the Ngleshie Alata Traditional Council, Nii Armah Kwafio who is also the Chief for Armaaman.
Speaking on behalf of Nii Ayi Okufoubour in an interview with this paper, Nii Okudzeman IV stated that Nii Ayi Okufobour ordinarily would not want to dignify the accusations levelled against him with a response but because right thinking individuals may not be privy to the facts hence his reaction. The allegations are borne out of empty hatred and nothing more because they know very well that what they are saying are not factual.
On the specific accusation that Nii Ayi Okufoubour must not carry himself out as a chief, the spokesperson explained the call can only come from people who are ignorant of the processes that leads to someone becoming a chief, he explained that you must hail from the appropriate family and lineage, nominated, elected or selected and enstooled or installed in accordance with the relevant customary laws and usage and that is exactly what happened in the clourful installation of Nii Ayi Okoufobour I and the occasion was graced by all those who matter with regards to his installation as a chief.
With regards to the assertion that there exists no place called Lafaa in the history of Ngleshie Alata Traditional Council, the spokesperson proved with documents the area plane of Nmarko and Gbawe lands in the lease between Nii Kojo Ababio IV on behalf of himself and the people of James Town vrs Thomas Richard Quartey and others of Accra.
The Nmarko plan was what was used in delivering judgement in resolving the boundary issue between Gbawe and other ajoining communities.
In the plan it could clearly be seen where the Laffa Stream takes its course, so for any body withing Ngleshie Alata to say that there exist no stream and for that matter no place called Lafa Barima Nmarko is very ignorant and must be wiped as a son of the land.
For instance, the spokesperson referenced a court judgement by His Lordship Justice Emmanuel Amo Yartey, High Court Judge in Accra on Friday 5th march 2021 with suit number. LD/0794/2016. Which is a boundary between the Ngleshie Alata Stool and Gbawe Kawrtei Family. The Judge in his ruling emphasized that there exists a place called Oblamah Jrho Laffa stream.
When it comes to the issue of destoolment therefore there are clear laid down rules to commence or kick start such a move, no individual or group or persons can sit in their comfort zones and call for the destoolment of any chief.
“This attempt by persons who have arrogated powers to themselves to disrupt our ancient customs and tradition is mischievous and same is aimed at satisfying their parochial interest and frivolous agenda and therefore the accusations should be treated with the contempt it deserves."
On the issue of appointments and introduction of the twelve (12) persons to preside over the administration of the Stool Council, Nii Okudzeaman IV vehemently stated that Nii Asroy Hansen was only appointed by the late Nii Kojo Ababio to chair the council on during meeting days , therefore he cannot arrogate to himself powers he is not clothed with, so this so called appointments are null and void because the acting president must consent to the nominations and the selection is based on houses where exists Stools.
Giving a background of the organisers of the press confab, it came out that the spokesperson at the press conference Adjei Osekle otherwise known Sasraku is an ex-convict who hails from of Plenor , and per the chieftaincy Act he must desist from even holding himself out in whatever position. Nii Bonsu was an errand boy for the late paramount chief so the least said about him the better, the rest who sat at the high table are all non-entities.
In the first place what capacity do they even have to question my status,I have been an asafoatse for 16 years, where were they when I was enstooled.
The spokesperson said they don’t have any locus to question Nii Ayi Okufobours legitimacy but in the event that they want to test their capacity they are free to seek redress at the appropriate quarters.