One of the passionate advertisers of the counter LGBTQI+ charge, Mr Moses Foh-Amoaning, has contemplated whether associate legitimate specialist Akoto Ampaw and his accomplice of eminent educators and scholastics contradicting the bill, even comprehend the full importance of the contraction they are battling for.
LGBTQQIP2SAA represents lesbian, gay, sexually unbiased, transsexual, addressing, eccentric, intersex, pansexual, two-soul (2S), hermaphroditic and abiogenetic.
Mr Foh-Amoaning, nonetheless, said he questions the 18 'missionaries' truly know what they are doing.
"A small bunch of them, I surmise, can do as such, yet these are individuals pushing for the freedoms of individuals whose exercises they scarcely comprehend", Mr Foh-Amoaning said on Thursday.
"I keep thinking about whether my learned associate, Mr Akoto Ampaw, can tell the full importance of the letter 'P' in the LGBTQIIP", he prodded.
He clarified that the in addition to in the condensing implies the advertisers of LGBTQ+ sexuality plan to add more freak sex ways of life.
As far as he might be concerned, LGBTQ+ is a blend of freak sexual practices and not a right, as the 18 experts have made some Ghanaians accept.
"On the off chance that my associate legal advisors among the 18 experts care to know, the 'P' in the shortening represents skillet sexual, since they want to have intercourse with lifeless and invigorate objects".
Dish sexuals, he noted, wouldn't fret having intercourse with creatures just as items like normal bread.
"Where on earth will one portray this go about as a basic liberty", he weeped over. "The 18 experts ought to have the option to let us know what the freedoms of these individuals are before they can be considered as a component of the bill", he requested.
As a country, Mr Foh-Amoaning said: "We can just uphold the freedoms of individuals we know yet the privileges of LGBTQ+ is obscure in the Ghanaian setting".
"It is no big surprise the advertisers of LGBTQ+ exercises are researchers from respectable colleges like Harvard and Oxford among others across the world. These are influential individuals in scholarly community and the media", he told Accra-put together Happy FM with respect to Thursday.